GitHub Pages Setup Guide

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The Problem

In short answer: yes, but additional actions required.

tl;dr: You can serve AMSF as a static site on GitHub Pages, but not a Jekyll site using Jekyll renderer provided by GitHub Pages.

There’re some factors that prevent it from generating pages using GitHub Pages renderer:

  • Many features Almace Scaffolding provides like LiveReload, Sass support, inline SVG, and HTML minification are implemented using Grunt.js, it’s not supported by GitHub Pages.
  • Almace Scaffolding uses the latest pre-release Jekyll, so not all features are supported by GitHub Pages renderers.
  • GItHub Pages build server overwrites the source settings. This prevents it from generating pages from current file structure.

The Solution for Users or Organization Sites

Since GitHub Pages for users or organization sites can only be served from the root directory of your master branch. You have to:

  • Make sure your baseurl is set to "" (empty) in your _config.yml.
  • Build your site locally (grunt build).
  • Use your own method, create a script, bash, whatever it works to move the generated pages to the root directory of your repository.
  • Upload Jekyll generated static files to your repository.

If you’d like to keep all things under Git control, you can try the following file structure:

├── _amsf/ (Almace Scaffolding source code)
├── *.html (Jekyll-generated static pages)
└── (your own readme)

You can see this live demo how it actually works.

The Solution for Project Sites

Things can be simpler if you need AMSF for your project sites since GitHub Pages supports serve your site from a subdirectory:

  • Make the following changes in your _config.yml:
    • Change destination to docs
    • Change baseurl to the name of your repository slug, ie. /my-project.
    • Change flatten_base to true.
  • Build your site locally (grunt build).
  • Push changes to GitHub